10 February 2009

Save Harris Tweed!

In a recent documentary for BBC Radio 4, entitled The Battle of the Tweed (broadcast 6th February), financial journalist Lesley Campbell investigates how new ideas could save the fragile local Harris Tweed industry, which is on the brink of disappearing.

As lifetime weaver Angus Mackenzie notes, the Harris Tweed industry 'kept future generations on the islands, it sustained the Gallic language and culture over a fair number of years. If it hadn't been for Harris Tweed, these islands would be a wasteland now.'

Can the iconic fabric fight the credit-crunch? Let's hope Vivienne Westwood joins the battle.


You can listen to the programme again until the 14th February on BBC iPlayer.


  1. I just listened to this and it really is a sad reality that the Harris Tweed industry is flailing. But what strikes me, is why the government doesn't offer financial help? Though Harris Tweed is a company like any other, this issue is about craft and heritage but also, as this documentary reveals, peoples jobs and lives.


  2. Save the tweed!

  3. It's so odd to think that it could die out! It's used in menswear nearly every year! Maybe Scotsman Christopher Kane can join forces with Vivienne!


  4. Harris Tweed is fantastic and must be saved either by private sector or by the government, if necessary. it must be nationalized for protection.

  5. Buy Harris Tweed to save it. If nobody buys it, how could people making it survive?
